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February News

  Scrap News

Volume 3
Issue  2

 408 West Spring Street
  Brownstown, IN  4727




Embroidery Class being offered.

Yes, we are offering a tissue holder in the hoop class.  Feb. 12th at 10:00 am.
February is National Embroidery Month.  The first home computerized embroidery
matching was released in 1980.  What a lot of changes from the first ones offered;
gotten smaller, lots more to chose from and much more user friendly.  Let us help
you with this beginners class, call 812-358-1734.

Block of the Month

Batik Star, 62 x 62 by Deanne Eisenman
This batik fabric quilt will start in February 18, 2019.
There are patterns for 10 participants,
so sign up soon! 


Dates to Remember:

Feb. 4 - 10th Lakeview Retreat, spots still available, call Stacey 812-525-9632

Feb. 5 - Deadline to sign up for Embroidery Tissue Class, 812-358-1734

Feb.12 - Embroidery Tissue Class, 10:00 a.m.

Feb. 14 - Happy Valentine's Day

Feb. 17 - Random Acts of Kindness Day

Feb. 18 - BOM Batik Star, pick up first month's package! 

Feb. 18 - National Drink Wine Day

  Works of Art                


Sit n Sew 
Join us on Mondays, Wed. & Thur. for sit n sew from 9 am - 5 pm.  Bring your sewing machine, projects, and sewing needs to sew and chat the day away!  Do you have a project you are stuck on, bring it in, let us help you - first time to visit is free.  Other days available, just make arrangements with store owner, Barb. 

Notions and more in the shop!

Patchwork Club

 Cost for the year is $10.00.  Dates will be on the 4th  Sat. of the month.  Mark your calendars for:
 Feb. 23, Mar. 23, Apr. 27, May 25, June 22, July 27, Aug. 24, Sept. 28, Oct. 26, Nov. 23
and Dec. 28.  Please bring show n tell, sewing supplies if you would like to sit n sew till 3:00 at no

Show n tell fun at Patchwork Club

February - 25% off all GREEN FABRICS!  Fabric with any green in it will be discounted.


March - 25% off all YELLOW FABRICS!  Fabric with any yellow in it will be discounted.

    Extra 5% off PRECUTS!


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  • 408 W Spring St, Brownstown, IN  47220
  • Ph: (812) 358-1734
  • Hours: T-F: 9a-5p